Current job opportunities in RML
We are seeking a Senior or Principal Ecologist to join the team. See here for our role requirements.
Also, we want to meet you if you are;
• an EIA Practitioner
• a Landscape Architect
If you are interested in joining the team email us with your CV, [email protected]
• an EIA Practitioner
• a Landscape Architect
If you are interested in joining the team email us with your CV, [email protected]
Meet the Team
Ivor Richards OBE, Managing Director and Chairman
Ivor has been a chartered engineer since 1972. In the 1960s whilst working for the Taf Fechan Water Board in South Wales Ivor was described by Alan Twort of Binnie and Partners as “A back door engineer like me”, his first degree not being in engineering. Delivering large scale projects involving coal mining discard, iron and steel slags, slate waste and metalliferous slimes confirmed Ivor’s early conviction that civil engineering could and should do much better if only engineers talked to people in other disciplines. A long involvement in a multi-disciplined approach to civil engineering was the result. Ivor is a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators. |
David Richards, Director and Company Secretary
David is a second generation director of RML. A graduate of Mathematics and Astronomy, David rejoined RML in 2002 after a couple of years working in a telecoms equipment manufacturer. Since then he has contributed to several internal research projects, the running of an inhouse specialist civils contracting company and since 2012 a Director and Company Secretary. Following his father has been a theme and along with attending UCL for his first degree he is also a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company or Water Conservators. |
Andrew Sumner, Principal Landscape Architect
Andrew qualified as a chartered landscape architect over 43 years ago with the last 34 years at RML. He is an experienced and creative professional and designer and enjoys the challenge of new problems, new sites, and now opportunities. With a background in urban and rural landscape design and regeneration, he has taken on the role of environmental coordinator on highways infrastructure projects and has prepared numerous environmental statements on a wide range of projects. In the last 15 years Andrew has developed and interest in historic landscape conservation and management. |
Jon Stoddard, Principal Landscape Architect
Jon is a highly-experienced landscape and environmental consultant having spent over 25 years working primarily in the private sector, managing a wide range of projects from inception through to completion. His main area of expertise is working as part of a multi-disciplinary team on highway and infrastructure projects through all key stages. Jon also has a track record in delivering coastal infrastructure and public realm projects, residential, business parks, industrial estates and trunk road soft estates and mixed-use development projects. |
Donna Hall, Principal Ecologist
Donna has gained experience across a range of sectors in Wales and England and possesses a broad and fully competent knowledge base in field survey, design and implementation of mitigation, EcIA and associated legislations. Donna has experience in Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) carrying out both the baseline field surveys and reporting the assessment of impacts. She is an experienced field surveyor and has conducted numerous extended phase 1 and 2 habitat and protected species surveys. She has also designed and supervised mitigation and habitat creation schemes and has experience in the preparation and submission of Development License Applications, with an emphasis on bats. In her free time, Donna will either be swimming, running or cycling, busy training for Triathlons including completing half Iron man distances. |
Rhodri Edwards, Landscape Architect
Rhodri Edwards is a Landscape Architect with 20 years’ experience of working on infrastructure projects. He has worked closely with RML’s Andrew Sumner and Steve Blunt throughout that period, and is known to Welsh Government from a number of trunk road improvements schemes. He is a native Welsh speaker with a farming background, who uses Welsh in meetings and consultation events. Rhodri is a proficient and Autodesk trained CAD user with design software packages of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016, 3ds Max. With a growing demand for visualisations he has prepared Photomontages, 3d visualisations and drive/fly-through videos. |
Robert Jones, Environment, Safety and Quality Manager
Rob comes from a design background, but in the last 12 years he has taken on environmental and ecological tasks on construction contracts. He has supplemented significant site experience with specialist training and holds a personal dormouse licence and is an accredited NEC3: ECC Supervisor (2023). His experience with mammals and protected species includes leading site teams trapping reptiles and amphibians, implementing and monitoring dormouse mitigation, dormouse surveys, monitoring otters and badgers, water quality sampling and testing and carrying out watching briefs including vegetation clearance, building and dry stone wall demolition, etc. |
Adam Lynch, Environmental Scientist and Environmental Clerk of Works
Adam has a strong background in biological and environmental research, having spent most of his early career in an academic setting and started work for RML in 2021 as an Environmental Scientist and soon after with on-site project work as Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW). He became accredited as an NEC Supervisor in April 2023. After completing a master’s degree in parasitology and tropical medicine, where he worked with high-risk organisms in Biosafety Level 2 labs, Adam won a NERC-funded grant to study for a full-time PhD in Ecotoxicology. |
Kathryn Morris, Ecologist
Since joining RML she has carried out bottle trapping, torching, eDNA and HSI surveys for Great Created Newts and is close to gaining her Bat survey license. Kathryn has been involved in writing ecological technical notes PEA, PRA and report writing. She has learnt to carry out Phase 1 habit surveys and to produce Phase 1 maps in QGIS. Since joining RML she has carried out both dawn and dusk emergence bat surveys of both buildings and trees, followed by, downloading and analysing the bat detector data. Kathryn has completed a training course with Acorn Ecology in 2016. This was a Certificate in Ecological Consultancy which included stand-alone courses in Dormouse ecology and surveying, water vole ecology and surveying, reptile surveying and handling, Mammal ID, Amphibians and reptile ID, None Native Invasive Species ID and Bird ID. |