Pre-planning application advice, reviewing constraints, project viability, master-planning.
RML carry out Pre Application Consultation processes in line with the 2015 Planning (Wales) Act. Planning applications, design development, Design & Access Statements, draft S106 obligations. As part of any planning application a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) of the site is typically required to support the planning application. Marine Licences are required for construction or activities in the intertidal zone and on the sea bed. They involve habitat and wildlife surveys, consideration of construction methods and pollution control, the effects of noise and disturbance on marine mammals or birds, and possible effects elsewhere along the coastline. Work in or close to a watercourse can both generate a risk of flooding and be at risk from flooding. Flood Risk Activity permits are therefore required, and these involve assessing the risk to water quality, wildlife and effects on flow. Many projects have elements that require more than one permit, and seasonal surveys or even formal Environmental Assessment may be needed to support the application. Our multi-disciplinary team can advise on the complex interaction between the elements, to produce an efficient programme of works which makes best use of our clients’ resources. Achieving Phosphorous Neutrality. Recent case law obliges all new projects/plans which have a potential to increase existing phosphorous levels to complete a ‘screening’ task. This is to ensure that they comply with existing habitat protection measures, defined as ‘Special Areas of Conservation or SAC’s. Click here for more. |