Planning & PermittingPre-planning application advice, reviewing constraints, project viability, master-planning. RML carry out Pre Application Consultation processes in line with the new 2015 Planning (Wales) Act. Planning applications, design development, Design & Access Statements, draft S106 obligations.
LandscapeDesigns and solutions to fulfil planning conditions e.g., landscape architecture, heritage, ecological survey & design, sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). We are also specialist in concrete Skatepark design and slope stabilisation using live vegetation.
Environment & EcologyEnvironmental and ecological surveys, Statutory Environmental Impact Assessment, landscape & visual impact assessment, Appropriate Assessment. Resolving implications of permitted developments on SSSI, SAC, Listed buildings and protected landscapes, Ancient Monuments, World Heritage sites, Japanese Knotweed eradication.
Environmental Coordinator
Environmental Coordinators work with Developers, Project Managers, Contractors and Designers to ensure that critical environmental issues are identified early in project planning, and are carried through and addressed responsibly in the design, impact assessment and consents process. They assist the design team and bring focus to the work of different environmental specialists, co-ordinate the preparation of Environmental Statements and above all, translate environmental commitments into practical actions on site. Many projects have an Environmental Clerk of Works to provide day to day advice and solve problems that arise during construction.
The Environmental Coordinator is a highly- experienced professional in the field of project development and construction. Increasingly, complex projects require continuity of personnel from commencement to completion. Project teams with complex construction works, such as transport and energy infrastructure, increasingly rely on Environmental Coordinators to guide them to a successful conclusion.